Monday, April 12, 2010

Designing a curriculum

By far, the most daunting part of homeschooling is designing a course of studies based on your state’s curriculum frameworks. For those who don’t want to create their own, curricula are available for purchase online. Complete online education is also available. These options cost hundreds--or even thousands--of dollars. You can save money by devising your own curriculum.
Here is our middle school curriculum, based on the Massachusetts frameworks:

Dance: Jazz & Tap, Musical Theatre
Music: piano & music theory, World Music survey
Theatre: Basic Acting and Improvisation, playwriting or other
Visual Arts: two-dimensional and three-dimensional art
Field trips: attend a theatrical performance, attend a concert and visit an art museum
*courses taken as available through local organizations

Origins of Modern English
Etymology: Greek and Latin roots
Dictionary use
Texts: Words on the Vine: Thirty-six Vocabulary Units on Root Words by Claudia Vurnakes
The 100+ Series Grammar by Mark Dressel, Grades 7-8
Using the Standards: Building Grammar & Writing Skills, Grades 7-8

Narrative, argument, comparison/contrast, process analysis (how to)
Test essays
Researched report with proper documentation
Script (see ART above for playwriting)
(All composition instruction will include discussion of grammar, usage, mechanics, research, spelling and vocabulary.)
Texts: Notebook Writer’s Guide by American Educational Publishing
Using the Media: Fact, Fiction and Opinion, Milestone

Study skills
Note-taking and outlining

Greek and Roman mythology, epic tales, drama; other myths, fables and fairy tales
Short stories
Analysis of language styles in literary works using selections outlined in the Massachusetts English Language Arts Curriculum Framework, page 102
Discussion of genre
Texts: Bulfinch’s Greek and Roman Mythology (or other)
Story Elements for Middle School Students, Milestone

Number sense and operations
Patterns, relations and algebra
Data analysis, statistics and probability
Texts: The 100+ Series Standards-Based Math, Grades 7-8 by Harold Torrance
The 100+ Series Mixed Skills in Math, Grades 7-8, by Marge Lindskog
Spectrum Math, Grade 7
Spectrum Math, Grade 8
Is the Answer Reasonable?: the Test Connection, Grade 7
Math the Write Way: Thinking and Writing about Math, Grades 6-7
Creative Problem Solving: Multiple Strategies for the Same Answer, Grade 7
, Milestone

Scientific Method (including experiments with lab reports)
Physical Science
Life Science
Earth and Space Science
Science and Technology
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives
History and Nature of Science
Texts: Spectrum Science Grade 7
Spectrum Science Grade 8
Science Up to Standards, Grades 5-8
, by Pam Walker and Elaine Wood
Inexpensive Science Experiments, Grades 5-8, by Pam Walker and Elaine Wood
50 Terrific Science Experiments, Grades 5-8, by Pam Walker and Elaine Wood

Early civilizations
Ancient and Classical Civilizations
Introduction to World History to 1500
Texts: Teaching the Five Themes of Geography by Bonnie Dill (teacher resource)
Art and Civilization Ancient Rome, McGraw-Hill
Art and Civilization Ancient Greece, McGraw-Hill
The Complete Book of World History, Grades 4-8, American Education Publishing
Children’s World Atlas, Igloo

Stage 1: simple communicative tasks, common phrases and expressions
Texts and tools: The Everything Kids’ Learning French Book, by Dawn-Michelle Baude, Ph.D.
The 100+ Series French: Middle/High School, Frank Schaffer Publications
Lingua Fun! French audio CD and cards
Mango Languages online

Human life cycle and body functions
Genes and heredity
Diet and nutrition, nutrition labels, safe food handling, eating disorders
Sexual education
Sexual discrimination and harassment
Feelings and self-esteem
Peer pressure and relationships
Addictive behaviors
Environmental and ecological health
Public health and safety
Text: Instructional Fair’s Health and Safety Curriculum, Intermediate

Tennis, swimming, golf, dance or other instruction as available