Materials needed:
Inexpensive plastic container with handles
Child-size scissors
All-purpose glue
Paper scraps
Glitter or glitter glue
An assortment of craft items
1) Purchase a small, inexpensive plastic container with handles. These are available at craft and department stores.
2) Fill the container with an assortment of craft items. Suggestions: plastic goggle eyes, pom-poms, chenille stems, sequins, Popsicle sticks, beads, feathers, foam shapes, macaroni, plastic string.
3) Be sure to include the following basics: child-size scissors, all-purpose glue, glitter or glitter glue and paper scraps. The scissors can have a straight or decorative edge. Include a variety of paper types and textures: construction, crepe, corrugated, tissue, foil.
This kit will amuse a wide range of preschool and school-age children and will last for years. It can be restocked with new items as budget allows. The creative craft kit makes a great gift, too.